Addiction treatment strategies begin with improving the patient’s health and repairing damage to the body. Exercise is a great way to address health concerns and help the individual fight their addiction. Reviewing how exercise helps patients right addiction shows them why exercise is involved in their treatment plan.
Improving the Way the Individual Feels and Their Confidence
New approaches to treating drug and alcohol addiction emphasize the importance of exercise and creating a healthier body. Detoxification is just the first step for individuals who are fighting addiction. Exercise is necessary for improving the body and addressing some of the damage caused by addiction. Reviewing how exercise helps patients fight addiction shows addicts why it is an important part of recovering successfully.
The Natural Release of Dopamine
Exercise increases the production of dopamine which is a naturally occurring hormone in the body. The effects of drugs and alcohol alter the levels of dopamine in the body and increase these levels when the addict uses. When the individual goes through detoxification the decrease in dopamine levels could generate pain and discomfort. Regular exercise helps the individual increase dopamine naturally without the need for drugs or alcohol. The more the individual exercise, the more often dopamine is released into the body. The more the individual workouts, the more often they receive the effects of higher dopamine levels and their bodies become healthier as they are fighting addiction.
Improving Quality Sleep
Exercising regularly helps the individual improve their quality of sleep. When fighting an addiction, the individual could suffer from insomnia and develop lasting effects of not getting enough sleep. Insomnia can increase health risks and prevent recovering addicts from staying positive. When entering the treatment program, the individual will receive a care plan that includes regular exercise and a healthier diet.
Lowering Common Health Risks
Lowering common health risks eliminates more risks for the recovering addict. Regular exercise prevents health risks related to obesity and increase cardiovascular health. The rehabilitation center’s staff helps the patient determine what health risks they face according to their drug of choice. A medical assessment defines what conditions the patient has developed because of their addiction. The care plan defines exercise, diet, and further treatment strategies for improving the patient’s health. Individuals who are facing addiction can find more information over at ARC Rehab Portsmouth now.
Improving the Way the Individual Feels and Their Confidence
Regular exercise can improve the way the individual feels and increase their confidence as they fight addiction. Too often addicts remain negative through the beginning of their treatment program. Exercise can help the individual address concerns that drive them to negative thought processes. Reviewing effective exercise plans with a counselor helps the addict recover and rebuild their self-esteem.
Addiction treatments require the individual to make vital changes in their life. Treatment programs help the individual become healthier and eliminate their desire to use drugs or alcohol. Exercise is an important part of the treatment plan. Individuals who want to learn more about how exercise helps with addiction contact a counselor right now.